Monday, October 13, 2014

Nordic Fest: A Tale of Safety and Joy

In a 1997 interview, Nordic Fest board president and longtime volunteer Clark Goltz shared a story that illustrates both safety and in the end, joy from 1996. This story may be less likely to be heard at larger events in larger communities. 

"We got a letter back from a young boy who had lost his billfold. Actually, he had found me in the crowd and said he was pretty upset about it. Low and behold we found it, and it had his Nordic Fest medallion and his library card in it. There was no money in it. So I sent him a personal note and told him to let me know if there had been any money in it, because I wanted to replace it. 

He wrote me back the nicest letter and said that no, he had spent all his money on food 'so you don't have send me anything back.' but he said, 'Gosh, thanks for taking the time to send my medallion back.' There are so many memorable moments. Those are the personal sides that I like to see."

What personal stories do you have to share from Nordic Fest as the 50th year approaches? Submit your stories to nordic fest 50 at gmail dot com. 

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