Monday, September 26, 2016

Nordic Fest 50 Book/DVD Project Proceeds Donated

The team of volunteers who worked on the book/DVD combo “Nordic Fest: 50 Years Strong,”represented here by project co-chair Erik Anundsen, right, presented Chris Johnson, President/CEO of Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, left, with a check for $8,334.24. The check represents proceeds from sales of the commemorative book/DVD combo through the end of August. 

This amount, made possible by the project’s donors and 700 book/DVD purchasers, will be used to fund the baseline costs for Vesterheim to review the extensive Nordic Fest archives over the course of the next two years and properly preserve them, making them available for future researchers. 

A limited number of copies still remain and are available in the Vesterheim Museum Store.

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