Monday, April 18, 2016

Loved Decorah's Nordic Fest: 1987 review

The following copyright letter to the editor appeared in Decorah Newspapers following the 1987 Nordic Fest. Used with permission. 

Dear Editor:

Having attended our first Nordic Fest with you last Friday and Saturday, I must tell you what a grand time we had: my newly retired husband, 7-year-old grandson, 10-year old granddaughter and myself.

In looking back, I don't remember one cross person. Dispositions were sunny, cheerful and helpful in all respects, even though you must have been very warm in the costumes you wore. 

Ethnic food, music and dancing demonstrations and crafts were a delight. Our granddaughter, after being chosen one of the "judges" of the lutefisk eating contest, may one day even be persuaded to taste said fish after the enthusiasm shown by the contestants. 

As I am Norwegian, I feel I have truly visited a small part of Norway. 

Please come visit us the second weekend in October when we celebrate Covered Bridge Festival. Our county is rightly proud of six remaining covered bridges, all over 100 years old. We will try to be good hosts to you.

Ruth Reed

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