The 1997 Scandinavian costume show, better known as the "bunad show" will feature both the old and new in two shows during Nordic Fest.
The varied costumes representing areas from districts of Norway and Sweden will be modeled in shows Saturday, July 26 at 2 p.m. and Sunday, July 27 at 12:30 p.m., in the air-conditioned Thomas Roberts High School auditorium.
As for "old and new," two couples from Os, Norway, will bring antique bunads. One of the couples will be married in an authentic Norwegian ceremony Friday, July 25, during the Fest at Bethania Church near Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum.
Both couples are attending Nordic Fest in an effort to research and acquire information on Os costumes that were brought to America by Norwegian immigrants. The bunads they will model will be from the late 1700's to 1800.
Eight-month-old Sonja Marie Denholm of Fort Calhoun, Neb., could be considered the "new" of the bunad show. The daughter of Ann and Robert Denholm, she will model her baptism dress and bonnet. They are handcrafted with traditional Hardanger embroidery featuring a cross embroidered on the bodice of the bonnet.
Sonja Marie is a fifth generation Norwegian-American and with her, this baptismal gown tradition is being initiated into her family. She will be carried by her mother, Sue, wearing a typical summer cotton bunad.
Both programs will showcase authentic "bunader" with some costumes valued at $3,000 to $4,000, and even higher when complete with authentic Norwegian sterling silver jewlery. It is estimated the bunad show will feature about $100,000 in costumes.
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