Monday, September 8, 2014

It Comes with Being Part of the Community: A First Nordic Fest Memory

Lila and Marion Nelson
Photo courtesy  Vesterheim, used with permission,  taken circa 1991

Recently, Lila Nelson agreed to be interviewed for the #nordicfest50 project. For a brief overview of Lila's many contributions to Vesterheim and Nordic Fest, click here

Lila shared a particularly neat story about the first Nordic Fest, shared here in her own words: 

"One of the things that delighted me so was that it was important for Marion not only that the Museum have a good showing, but when there was street activity - street dancing, he felt it was very important that we had to be out there taking part in that.

I can remember that when they started the music in the evening in the streets. At first, no one was going out and dancing. Marion said, 'Alright, we have to get out there and dance!' 

Well, that was the last thing I wanted to do, because I am just not the kind of person who likes to go out there. But we did it! I can remember starting to dance and the bands kind of picking it up. Pretty soon, the street dancing was just delightful. Everyone was doing it."

Lila reports that first Nordic Fest dance she and Marion helped get started was a fast waltz. 

Thank you, Lila and Marion for your many contributions to getting Nordic Fest started, including that first street dance! 

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